MTK Alerta Institutu Autónomu Lalori Dividas Ba 2024
TL Tenke Preparadu Ba Mundu Teknolójia
Hafoin MTC, Sua Exelensia Miguel Marques Gonçalves Manetelu, ekontru ho Enkaregadora Australia Caitlin Wilson, delegasaun foto hamutuk. (Foto/Media MTC/AdãoVieira)
S.E. Ministro dos Transportes e Komunikasaun, Eng. Miguel M.G.Manetelu Akompanha husi Diretur DNIC Eng. Ambrosio Manuel Barreto Amaral,L.Ed.,MM Vizita Direita Data Center
Submarine Fiber Optic Cable System
East Timor's Aero Dili
Membru Oitavu lideradu Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, antes atu halo reuniaun konsellu ministru hodi aprova orsamentu ratifikativu, iha Pallasu Governu, kuarta 09/08.


DECREE-LAW No. 03/2006
OF REGIME OF OCCUPATION OF SPACES AND AREAS OF THE AIRPORTS PUBLIC DOMAIN With the creation of the Public Company for the Administration of Airports and Air Navigation of Timor-Leste (ANATL E.P.), bestowed with financial administrative autonomy and its own patrimony, the Government established that this public company is in charge of exploring and developing airports and air navigation infra-structures. The spaces, areas, offices, equipment and other elements pertaining to airports and air navigation infra-structures form an integral part of the airports public domain belonging to ANATL. Therefore, the use, occupation or practice of any activity in the fields of the airports public domain must be subject to licensing. In this sense, the legal regime must be defined for licensing the private use of the assets of the State’s public domain that belong to the patrimony of ANATL E.P., as well as the conditions for using them, taking into consideration, on the one hand, the safekeeping of the public interest and, on the other hand, the pursue of the objectives defined by the Government as regards air transport. Therefore, the Government decrees, under the terms of paragraph k) of no. 1 of article 115 and paragraph d) of article 116, of the Constitution of the Republic, to be effective as law, the following: